LagunCara is the Irish-Basque Association here in the Basque Country. Cara means friend in Gaeilge, as does Lagun in Basque. Founded in 2003, it aspires to being a model of social integration, a forum for the interaction of people in the Basque Country with interests in Ireland (and people in Ireland with interests in the Basque Country). The mission of LagunCara is to address all the varied wants, needs and aspirations of its members. LagunCara is by nature neutral in political and religious terms, aiming to be an open community characterised by heterogeneity, plurality and capacity for ambivalence.
To become a member and support the association and the events we organise, simply download the form below, fill it out, and email a scanned copy to laguncara.elkartea@gmail.com.
2020 Basque Bloomsday – A Tribute to Éamon Roche
Of all the activities in which Éamon Roche, founding member and President of LagunCara, took part and passionately promoted, Bloomsday was perhaps that through which he left his mark on most of us.
With that in mind, as part of the 2020 celebration of Bloomsday, members and friends of LagunCara came together to prepare a tribute to Éamon in the form of this booklet of essays. Please enjoy reading the various compositions; we hope they give you a sense of what Joyce, and Eamon, mean to the Association.