Acht bhunaithe Cumann Eireannach – Navarre
Nafarroa Irlanda Elkartearen aurkezpena
Presentacion Asociacion Navarra Irlanda (ANIR)
The Navarre Ireland Association Presentation (ANIR) invites everyone to the Instituto Cervantes in Dublin on Fri May 10, 2024 at 3:00 PM for an exciting event. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the cultural exchange between Navarre and Ireland. Discover the rich history, traditions, and connections between these two beautiful regions. Don’t miss out on this unique experience and the tasting of Navarre products and wines Inurrieta!
In Spanish and English – Admission free – First come first served – Bookings via Eventbrite
- Instagram: asociacion_navarra_irlanda
- Contact/more information: